Sunday, September 25, 2011

Matthew is a big boy now:)

I only have a pair of shoe; so mom took me to Marshalls. I told Mom that I also need some clothes. I went to men fitting room and stopped Mom at outside of the room. I told her I can try them on by myself. I put them on and showed mom. I like them all, but mom said I can only chose two of them.

Monday, September 12, 2011


I have asked Mommy to make me cupcake. Finally we made on Sunday. It was most delicious cupcake I have ever had. In the end of day, I ate 7 of themJ


Saturday, September 10, 2011

Lyman Orchards Corn Maze

Today Mommy and I went to Lyman Orchards Corn Maze. Mommy told me I have been this Orchards several times and the first time was when I was only 6 momths old. This is first time I walked throught the corn maze. This corn maze size is not small; Mommy and I took about 20 minitues at the first time, I loved it; so I asked mommy to walked the second time.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Grade

Today is the first day of school. Instead of taking school bus; mommy dropped me to the school. Mommy thought she can meet my new teacher Mrs. Pitts and my room # 14 classmates at outside of school just like last year. Because I am in first grade now; so Principal Mr. Smyth sent me right in without waiting in the line. I run into school after I gave mommy a hug and kiss.

How do I look compare with last yearJ? Taller ? Smarter? Cuter?

Mini Golf and Animal's Farm

This is last weekend before school start. Mommy and I went to Mini Golf in Farmington. This place is much nicer than the one we went with grandparents. This mini golf seems not only for kids; we saw a lot of growth- up people played too. I wanted to play second times mommy said we can come back here again with daddy. It is definitely worth to drive 50 minutes to be here.

On the way back, mommy saw other interested mini golf  called Safari in Berlin. We can see ceramic animals from the street.  Mommy said we might try this one next time.


We also visited Silverman Animal’s Farm in Easton too. I had a lot of fun. It is pity that Daddy has to work.